Capitol Hill lawmakers agreed on “a small provision to be added to the omnibus spending bill, allowing the two party committees to raise money for their presidential nominating conventions. The limit per donor would be $97,200 a year, on top of each party committee’s existing limit of $32,400 per year,” NPR reports.
“The $97,200-per-year year limit comes to $388,800 for a four-year presidential election cycle. If the new provision had been available in 2012, just 94 donors could have matched the public financing for both conventions. Or put another way – as the pro-regulation groups would – regular contributions and the new convention account would enable a donor and spouse to funnel more than $500,000 to a party each two-year congressional election cycle.”
[speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”pwdome.jpg” name=””]There was not a single word of debate about the proposal. [/speech_bubble]