The Washington Post concludes that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) really doesn’t like being a senator. A longtime friend confirms this and tells the newspaper paper, “He hates it.”
First Read: “The worst part of this story here for Rubio: It underscores foes’ implication that Rubio, like onetime Sen. Barack Obama, is too ambitious and impatient to build the resume necessary for the White House. (Remember, Obama had a similar reputation for rolling his eyes at the pace of Capitol Hill.) On the plus side for the Florida senator, GOP voters certainly aren’t rewarding legislative experience right now, and perhaps the dirtiest words in politics at the moment are ‘career politician.'”
“The question is: Do voters punish him if they think he’s not doing a job he’s elected to do, or do they give him a pass because he’s upset with the same institution that’s fueling their anger at Washington?”
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