First Read: “The only way Trump addressing the Birther story makes sense is through the logic that ‘any day the campaign is about you is a good day.’ Besides that, addressing it doesn’t make sense. Either he doubles down on his past statements, which only complicates the campaign trying to woo African Americans and to seize on the ‘Deplorables’ controversy. Or he repudiates his past Birther statements, which raises the question if he has a political core. How can you beat the Birther drums for five years and then say you’re sorry 50-plus days before an election? If so, what does he believe? And what is he for?”
“One other point here: With his poll numbers improving, Trump appears to be getting a little cocky (this, Dr. Oz, criticizing the African-American pastor). As we know, Hillary Clinton can sometimes be a terrible frontrunner. Maybe Trump isn’t a good one as well.”
Rick Klein: “What matters in Donald Trump going birther again isn’t his current stance – even if one could be established as consistent, final, and coming from the candidate himself. What matters isn’t – or isn’t only – his long history with the matter, from bringing President Obama’s birth status to the public eye (that wasn’t Hillary Clinton’s doing) to his unsubstantiated claim to have sent private investigators to Hawaii. What matters is how he is still talking about it, and the obvious inferences as to why. It’s a blunt appeal to Obama hatred, including those for whom race is part of the reason to hate. Perhaps just as critically, it’s another Trump distraction – putting himself at the center of attention, and taking scrutiny away from other corners. Trump has used distraction and deflection as tools throughout the campaign. Again, he’s where he wants to be – the focus of frenzy he will surely call a media obsession.”
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