Washington Post: “After more than a week of concealed motives, Flake made clear over the weekend that his objection earlier this month to a circuit-court nominee from Georgia was indeed part of his new policy to block these appellate judges from confirmation. In exchange, he wants a Senate vote on an amendment to rein in Trump’s power to impose tariffs on foreign goods.”
“Flake is using a basic tool to block the Judiciary Committee’s consideration of circuit-court judges — his vote. He is a member of the committee, which is divided between 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats, sharply along conservative and liberal ideological lines. So he has informed Grassley he will vote no on any Trump circuit-court nominee, in committee and on the Senate floor. Assuming all Democrats vote no, the result would be a negative vote in the committee, all but guaranteeing the nomination dies there.”
“With Supreme Court nominations, tradition dictates the full Senate gets to cast a vote even if the committee has a negative recommendation. But, if Flake wanted to go fully nuclear, he might be able to hold a high-court nominee hostage, because the current Senate makeup has 50 Republicans and 49 members of the Democratic caucus — as Sen. John McCain (R) remains home in Arizona battling brain cancer.”
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