John Ellis suggests President Biden praise Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) at the State of the Union address on Thursday night.
“Biden’s remarks will put a large number of Republican members of the Senate and the House of Representatives in an uncomfortable position. They know they should stand up and applaud McConnell, a party leader for four decades and one who raised hundreds of millions of dollars for GOP candidates all across the country. They also know that Big Don will be watching and making mental notes of who stood and who remained seated.”
“He will be unhappy with those who stood. He hates McConnell. He interprets expressions of support for McConnell as acts of disloyalty to him.”
Joe Klein offers another possibility: “At some point during the speech, Marjorie Taylor Greene or one of the other right-wing nutters will stand up and start heckling the President. Biden should call her out by name: ‘Sit down, Marjorie. Didn’t your mama teach you manners?’ He should not let any opportunity pass to throw a punch at the rude and the boorish.”