Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) told Slate that with his forthcoming executive actions on immigration President Obama may break a federal statute “making it a felony to aid, abet, or entice a foreigner to illegally enter the U.S.”
Said Brooks: “At some point, you have to evaluate whether the president’s conduct aids or abets, encourages, or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the United States of America. That has a five-year in-jail penalty associated with it.”
But Obama might not be impeached: “If the president is simply not obeying a statute that is noncriminal in nature, that does not necessarily rise to a high crime or a misdemeanor. I don’t know what he’s going to do yet. Until we see what he’s going to do, it is difficult to say whether he is violating a civil statute or violating a criminal statute.”
[speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”pwdome.jpg” name=””]Five years seems on the light side for a dictator king.[/speech_bubble]
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