GOP Senator Says Bill Must Pass the ‘Jimmy Kimmel Test’
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) said that a Senate plan to repeal and replace Obamacare should pass the “Jimmy Kimmel test,” after the comedian revealed his son was born with a heart defect, The Hill reports.
Said Cassidy: “I ask, does it pass the Jimmy Kimmel test? Will a child born with congenital heart disease be able to get everything she or he would need in the first year of life? I want it to pass the Jimmy Kimmel test.”
Extra Bonus Quote of the Day
“I think it’s important for Republicans to understand that once we pass something, we will own it, and if what we pass is not going to work, it’s a bad thing to own.”
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), quoted by Roll Call.
Cassidy Isn’t Even Campaigning Anymore
“Here’s how lopsided Louisiana’s Senate runoff is: Bill Cassidy is so far ahead that he’s not in the state campaigning. Two days before the election,” Politico reports.
“While Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu hustles across the Bayou State ahead of Saturday’s runoff, the Republican congressman is in Washington this week, voting on legislation and debating how to keep the government from shutting down. His press operation appears to be nonexistent.”
Roll Call: 3 things to know about the Louisiana Senate runoff
Landrieu Ad Claims Cassidy Prefers Slavery Over Welfare
Another new ad from Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) says that challenger Bill Cassidy (R) “has endorsed a documentary which claims slavery was better for black folks than welfare,” according to BuzzFeed.
The ad goes on: “But worse than that, Cassidy and Jindal are trying to impeach our President.”
Landrieu Ad Claims Obama Will Be Impeached
A new radio ad for Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) features Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) saying Republicans will impeach President Obama if Bill Cassidy (R) wins the U.S. Senate runoff on Saturday, BuzzFeed reports.
[speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”pwdome.jpg” name=””]Landrieu, of course, says she “approves this message.” [/speech_bubble]
Cassidy Way Ahead in Louisiana Runoff
A new Rassmussen survey in Louisiana finds Bill Cassidy (R) leads Sen. Mary Landriue (D) by 15 points in their U.S. Senate runoff, 56% to 41%.
[speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”pwdome.jpg” name=””]It’s increasingly hard to see how the passage of the Keystone XL pipeline bill was ever going to save Landrieu.[/speech_bubble]
Cassidy Leads by Double-Digits in Runoff
A new Vox Populi Polling survey in Louisiana finds Bill Cassidy (R) way ahead of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) in their U.S. Senate runoff, 53% to 42%.
Cassidy Headed for a Landslide in Louisiana Runoff
A new Magellan Strategies poll in Louisiana finds Bill Cassidy (R) crushing Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) in their runoff race for U.S. Senate, 57% to 41%.