Donald Trump campaign adviser Paul Manafort told Bloomberg that “lawlessness” surrounding the Republican National Convention could benefit Trump.
Said Manafort: “Frankly, that impact will probably help the campaign.”
Donald Trump campaign adviser Paul Manafort told Bloomberg that “lawlessness” surrounding the Republican National Convention could benefit Trump.
Said Manafort: “Frankly, that impact will probably help the campaign.”
“We have a candidate who doesn’t need to figure out what’s going on in order to say what he wants to do.”
— Trump adviser Paul Manafort, in an interview on Meet the Press.
“He gonna win unless we — meaning people like me — screw it up. This is not a hard race.”
— Paul Manafort, in an interview with the Huffington Post, on running Donald Trump’s campaign.
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“Well this is the ultimate reality show, it’s the presidency of the United States.”
— Paul Manafort, quoted by The Hill, on whether the GOP convention will resemble a reality television show.
Franklin Foer: “Some saw the hiring of Manafort as desperate, as Trump reaching for a relic from the distant past in the belated hope of compensating for a haphazard campaign infrastructure. In fact, securing Manafort was a coup. He is among the most significant political operatives of the past 40 years, and one of the most effective. He has revolutionized lobbying several times over, though he self-consciously refrains from broadcasting his influence.”
“His work necessarily entails secrecy. Although his client list has included chunks of the Fortune 500, he has also built a booming business working with dictators… Manafort had a special gift for changing how dictators are beheld by American eyes. He would recast them as noble heroes—venerated by Washington think tanks, deluged with money from Congress.”
Donald Trump “is bristling at efforts to implement a more conventional presidential campaign strategy, and has expressed misgivings about the political guru behind them, Paul Manafort, for overstepping his bounds,” Politico reports.
“Now Trump is taking steps to return some authority to Manafort’s chief internal rival, campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.”
“Fixing personality negatives is a lot easier than fixing character negatives. You can’t change somebody’s character, but you can change the way a person presents himself.”
— Paul Manafort, quoted by the Washington Post, on why Donald Trump can be a viable GOP nominee.
“Donald Trump’s newly installed campaign chief sought to assure members of the Republican National Committee on Thursday night that Mr. Trump recognized the need to reshape his persona and that his campaign would begin working with the political establishment that he has scorned to great effect,” the New York Times reports.
In fact, Paul Manafort bluntly suggested the candidate’s incendiary style amounted to an act.
Said Manafort: “That’s what’s important for you to understand: That he gets it, and that the part he’s been playing is evolving. The negatives are going to come down, the image is going to change, but Clinton is still going to be crooked Hillary.”
“Donald Trump’s new campaign strategist vowed Sunday to protest the delegate-selection results in Missouri and Colorado,” Politico reports.
Said Paul Manafort: “We will be filing protests. Missouri, we’ll be filing protests. Colorado, we’re going to be filing protests. … You saw it in Colorado last week, where the voters were left out of the process.”
“He’s threatening; you go to these county conventions, and you see the tactics, Gestapo tactics, the scorched-earth tactics.”
— Trump aide Paul Manafort, quoted by The Hill, criticizing Ted Cruz’s campaign.
Taegan Goddard is the founder of Political Wire, one of the earliest and most influential political web sites. He also runs Political Job Hunt, Electoral Vote Map and the Political Dictionary.
Goddard spent more than a decade as managing director and chief operating officer of a prominent investment firm in New York City. Previously, he was a policy adviser to a U.S. Senator and Governor.
Goddard is also co-author of You Won - Now What? (Scribner, 1998), a political management book hailed by prominent journalists and politicians from both parties. In addition, Goddard's essays on politics and public policy have appeared in dozens of newspapers across the country.
Goddard earned degrees from Vassar College and Harvard University. He lives in New York with his wife and three sons.
Goddard is the owner of Goddard Media LLC.
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