Ryan Lizza: “There are six states voting on Super Tuesday with electorates that roughly resemble that of South Carolina (Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia). Sanders lost all of them in 2016. Biden has to be the clear favorite in all except Texas, where Sanders has been polling well and has improved his standing among Latino voters compared to 2016.”
“Sanders lost California and Massachusetts in 2016, but before Saturday at least, he was the leader in both states. If there are any polls in the next three days, changes in those three places — Texas, California and Massachusetts — will be a bellwether of how consequential the South Carolina landslide is for Biden.”
“The other states to vote Tuesday — Vermont, Oklahoma, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, and Utah — are likely Sanders strongholds. The Biden comeback seems to set up a very close fight for delegates between the two men, with Bloomberg’s role as a wild card.”
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