“On Saturday morning, shortly before the AP and other news outlets called the election for Joe Biden, President Trump took to Twitter to announce that his lawyers would be holding a ‘big press conference’ in Philadelphia,” Slate reports.
“But there seems to have been some major confusion about where it would be held. First Trump tweeted it would take place at the ‘Four Seasons, Philadelphia.’ Trump later corrected himself and said that the news conference was going to be held at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping.”
“When journalists arrived at the site of the news conference, they were flabbergasted by the scene and many quickly speculated that someone in the Trump campaign made a serious mistake. After all, the parking lot of a landscaping business in the outskirts of the city in an industrial part of town was a drab backdrop for a news conference by a president who wanted to convince Americans he still had a chance of winning. And making matters even stranger, the landscaping business was between an adult bookstore and a cremation center.”
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