Damon Linker: “I almost can’t believe I’m writing this post. I aspire to think deeply about hard questions in our politics, not shoot a rich stock of fish in an undersized barrel. But I just couldn’t resist the temptation.”
“Andrew C. McCarthy has written an utterly unpersuasive essay for National Review that expresses a view that risks becoming the conventional unwisdom of our political moment. One hears it regularly now among (occasionally) anti-Trump conservatives. It’s also repeated among very online progressives and certain Democratic Party strategists and consultants, who are united in considering Florida Governor Ron DeSantis both more dangerous (because more competent), and a more formidable general-election challenger to President Joe Biden, than former President Donald Trump.”
“The view McCarthy articulated is this: ‘Trump can’t win.’ That’s it. That’s the irritable mental gesture in its entirety.”
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