A Political Wire reader writes:
As a highly stressful year in political news draws to a close (for better or for worse), I just wanted to take this opportunity to offer sincere and heartfelt thanks to you for your invaluable help in getting us through it.
Political Wire has been one of my most frequently visited sites for the many years that I’ve been a member, and it’s been absolutely critical this year. You always manage to find the most essential stories to pass along to the PW community, and your own analytical entries are always spot-on and much-appreciated.
However this election comes out, the next year of political news should also be a highly interesting one, and I’m again looking forward to having Political Wire to filter out the “noise” and pass along the critical stories and analyses about the major (and minor) events that will shape the country’s future.
Please know that you have performed an essential and much-appreciated service for the PW community throughout the year, and I’m sure that you will continue to do so in the future. Thanks again!
Thanks to everyone who spends part of their day here!
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