New York Times: “There were only four dinner guests: the defense minister and three army generals. President Yoon prepared the meal for them himself at his hilltop residence overlooking South Korea’s capital, where hours earlier they had watched columns of troops marching in a military parade to celebrate the Oct. 1 Armed Forces Day. They talked about the political opposition, the left-wing news media and labor activists — all of which the conservative leader detested. Then they discussed a subject South Koreans had thought no longer possible: imposing martial law.”
“It was a critical moment in a plot that had begun six months before, bringing together all the key players to discuss a military takeover of the country.”
“Those involved hatched bold plans, often over meals at a safe house inside a heavily guarded government compound and at a burger chain outlet, to incapacitate the National Assembly and arrest Mr. Yoon’s critics…”
“Few saw it coming, and Mr. Yoon and his allies came close to achieving the unthinkable.”