New Yorker: “He claims to hold his haters beneath contempt, but he does bring them up a lot. A forthcoming biography of Carlson will be named for one of the highest compliments he pays: Hated by All the Right People. Carlson began one of his own books with a personal note to the C.E.O. of Simon & Schuster, ‘whose descent from open-minded book editor to cartoonish corporate censor mirrors the decline of America itself.’ (To be clear, Carlson’s book was not censored; it was published by Simon & Schuster.)”
“When he still had a show on Fox News—for a time, the most popular program in the history of cable news, and the one that set the agenda on the American right throughout the Trump Administration—the Times ran a front-page story about how he had ‘adopted the rhetorical tropes and exotic fixations of white nationalists.’ Holding up the paper and laughing, he posed for a photo, which he posted on Twitter. He doesn’t ignore his enemies; he seems to define himself by them. The globalists in Davos, the defense contractors in Bethesda, the private-equity wives in Santa Monica: whatever else he is, at least he’s not one of them.”
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