Jonathan Last: “I woke up in the small hours Saturday morning. Couldn’t sleep. Checked the news and saw that Trump had launched his own memecoin. I do not usually dabble in crypto, but I poked around the $TRUMP website to see how hard it would be for, say, a working-class, middle-aged guy in rural America to figure out how to purchase the token. The answer was: very easy. Anyone with a fifth-grade education and a debit card can buy $TRUMP coins in about five minutes.”
“I looked at the clock. In few hours the $TRUMP memecoin would be all over Fox & Friends—at which point a million slow-witted cultists would be alerted to this fabulous new investment vehicle. So I threw some money into the coin and waited. A few hours later this meaningless, valueless token took off.”
“When the initial hype cycle slowed, I sold my holdings. And for the first time in my life, I understood the guys who work in boiler rooms: Transferring wealth from idiots to your own pocket is intoxicating.”