“With less than two years to go before the 2020 election, President Trump faces an uphill climb in winning a second victory in Wisconsin, a battleground that will be at the epicenter of the next presidential campaign,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.
“Here are three major takeaways from a statewide poll of 800 registered voters released Thursday by the Marquette Law School, its first survey since the 2018 election: High disapproval. Right now, Trump has a precarious path to victory in Wisconsin, a state he won by less than one point in 2016. His approval rating is 44 percent — higher than it is in most national polls, but lower than it was here last fall and weighted down by the unpopular government shutdown that just ended.”
“Democrats more unified than Republicans. … Opposition more intense than support. The intensity of public opinion matters a lot in politics and it is not on Trump’s side: 30 percent of Wisconsin voters ‘strongly’ approve of him and 46 percent ‘strongly’ disapprove.”