Former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) will run for Congress again in a district that overlaps part of his area he used to represent, Roll Call reports.
Barr was the Libertarian Party nominee for president last year but will run for Congress as a Republican.
Former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) will run for Congress again in a district that overlaps part of his area he used to represent, Roll Call reports.
Barr was the Libertarian Party nominee for president last year but will run for Congress as a Republican.
A new Pew Research survey finds that 71% of Americans say there should be a way for people in the United States illegally to remain in this country if they meet certain requirements, while 27% say they should not be allowed to stay legally.
“Among those who favor providing legal status, the balance of opinion is in favor of allowing those here illegally who meet the requirements to apply for citizenship. However, no more than about half in any demographic group supports permitting illegal immigrants to apply for citizenship.”
Matt Lewis: “Social conservatives are greatly outnumbered (a byproduct of having lost the culture war argument). We hear a lot about the supposed ‘three-legged-stool’ of the conservative movement, but in fighting the culture war, social conservatives are on their own. In fact, it’s wrong to think of this in terms of a left versus right paradigm. It would be better understood as part of the continuing struggle between virtue (as social conservatives define it) and liberty (defined by our modern secular society to mean the freedom to do whatever we want). In that light, liberty is murdering virtue.”
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President Obama “will dine with a dozen Republican senators on April 10 at a dinner organized by Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA),” Roll Call reports.
“This will be the second such gathering over the course of about a month. Obama had dinner with a group of GOP senators on March 6 to talk about a wide array of issues.”
Former Mitt Romney strategist Stuart Stevens backs the RNC’s call for fewer presidential primary debates.
“This debate escalation is somewhere between silly and dumb and serves no public good. We pick a president with three general-election debates but it takes 20 debates to understand that maybe Ron Paul wants to blow up the Federal Reserve? Other important national questions are decided more expediently: it only takes 12 shows for The Bachelorette and The Bachelor to pick a mate.”
“The RNC report recommends cutting the number of debates in half and shortening the debating season. That’s a good start. But I think we should go further. To improve the quality of the debates and eradicate the commercial toxicity tainting the events, news organizations should get out of the business of sponsoring debates. Let’s don’t kid ourselves. These ‘debates’ have become phony entertainment spectacles not serious news events.”
Rick Stengel: “Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it seems clear that the majority of Americans feel marriage is a civil right and that denying that right to people because of their sexual orientation is a violation of equal protection under the law…. We had a long debate in our offices about this week’s cover images of two same-sex couples. Some thought they were sensationalist and too in-your-face. Others felt the images were beautiful and symbolized the love that is at the heart of the idea of marriage. I agree with the latter, and I hope you do too.”
The Week: Why even red state Democrats are jumping on the gay marriage bandwagon.
Cate Edwards, the eldest daughter of John and Elizabeth Edwards, spoke to NBC News about the extramarital affair that tore apart her family and destroyer her father’s political ambitions.
Said Edwards: “He told me. I guess he and my mom decided that that was, you know, how it needed to be done. So yeah, I was devastated. And I was disappointed. I mean, these are my parents. I had grown up with a lot of love in my family. And it was hard to see them go through this.”
The full interview will air on Friday.
“Republicans are moving aggressively to repair their technological shortcomings from the 2012 election, opening a new tech race to counter a glaring weakness against President Obama,” the AP reports.
“With the blessing of party leaders, a new crop of Republican-backed outside groups is developing tools to improve communication with voters, predict their behavior and track Democratic opponents. After watching Obama win re-election with the aid of an unprecedented technological machine, GOP officials concede an urgent need for major changes in the way they reach voters. They are turning to a younger generation of tech experts expected to play a bigger role in the 2014 midterm elections and beyond.”
Robert Shrum says Bill Clinton advises John Kerry in 2004 that he should consider supporting a ban on same-sex marriage, something the former president now denies. However, Shrum stands by his story and wrote about it in his book No Excuses.
“I don’t even see the point of the denial. Attempting to rewrite the history–tortured rationalizations for Clinton’s signing of the Defense of Marriage Act in the first place, a reflex defensiveness about advice in 2004 that was wrong in principle and even politically–seems a futile effort to redeem a tarnished part of a presidential legacy. I applaud Bill Clinton’s change of position–and that change highlights where we are now and where our country should and will go.”
Sen. Mitch McConnnell (R-KY) “is preparing to wage a ruthless campaign to hang on to his job,” Politico reports.
“He’s already on the air with nearly $200,000 in TV and radio ads, is assembling streams of data to target voters with tailor-made messages, and has quietly moved to lock down support from virtually every state GOP legislator. He says he’ll use ‘every penny’ of a war chest certain to exceed the $21 million he spent in 2008.”
Said McConnell: “My view is if you’re going to be a bigger target, you’re going to adopt different tactics. I think we’ve made it pretty clear … that we intend to be very aggressive from Day One. And we are. And that
involves not ignoring any potential opponent.”
The Week: Why no one wants to take on Mitch McConnell.
“We were prepared to do that had we had the votes to do it after the
election. Well, the election didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to. The monstrosity has … begun to be implemented and we’re not giving up the fight.”
— Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), in an interview with National Journal on the GOP’s “secret plan” to repeal Obamacare.
The Week: “Most members of the Republican Party hope that the Supreme Court will not use the two gay-marriage cases it heard this week to issue a broad ruling affirming the constitutional right of gays and lesbians to marry. However, top officials in the GOP are reportedly praying for precisely that outcome, calculating that it would be the most effective way to remove gay marriage as a political liability.”
Boston Mayor Thomas Menino (D) will announce at a press conference “that he will not seek a sixth term in office,” the Boston Globe reports.
“Menino arrived at his decision late last week and weighed it for the last several days to be sure he felt comfortable following through, the officials said. He plans to tell most of his aides and advisers Thursday morning. A grim mood rippled through City Hall as municipal workers speculated about what could be coming.”
President Obama told Telemundo that he is optimistic that – if lawmakers release a draft bill early next month – he will be able to sign comprehensive immigration reform into law before autumn.
Said Obama: “If we have a bill introduced at the beginning of next month — as these senators indicate it will be — then I’m confident that we can get it done certainly before the end of the summer.”
Roll Call: “Obama had previously warned that he would interject himself into the
process with his own measure if Congress takes too long to act. But
Obama on Wednesday said he was pleased with the progress the group of
eight senators has made and believes they will produce a bill.”
David Hawkings: Any immigration delay works against Obama.
Ashley Judd announce on Twitter she will not run for the U.S. Senate from Kentucky.
A source close to Judd tells the Washington Post that Secretary of State Allison
Lundergan Grimes’ interest in potential race made the decision not to
run easier.
“I have always said I’ve had a big personality, and I’ve always said I’m a pushy broad, and I’ve always said I want to get things done. Sometimes to get things done you have to be aggressive.”
— New York City mayoral candidate Christine Quinn (D), quoted by ABC News, responding to a scathing New York Times profile.
Stu Rothenberg: “Whether you are a staunch supporter of the National Rifle Association or an enthusiastic backer of the effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein for stronger gun control laws, it now should be clear who is winning — indeed, who has won — the latest skirmish in the gun control wars.”
Sarah Palin released a video suggesting she’ll play a role in the 2014 elections.
Taegan Goddard is the founder of Political Wire, one of the earliest and most influential political web sites. He also runs Political Job Hunt, Electoral Vote Map and the Political Dictionary.
Goddard spent more than a decade as managing director and chief operating officer of a prominent investment firm in New York City. Previously, he was a policy adviser to a U.S. Senator and Governor.
Goddard is also co-author of You Won - Now What? (Scribner, 1998), a political management book hailed by prominent journalists and politicians from both parties. In addition, Goddard's essays on politics and public policy have appeared in dozens of newspapers across the country.
Goddard earned degrees from Vassar College and Harvard University. He lives in New York with his wife and three sons.
Goddard is the owner of Goddard Media LLC.
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