A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll finds Bernie Sanders with a big lead over Hillary Clinton, 58% to 38%.
A new American Research Group poll finds Sanders leading Clinton, 54% to 38%.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll finds Bernie Sanders with a big lead over Hillary Clinton, 58% to 38%.
A new American Research Group poll finds Sanders leading Clinton, 54% to 38%.
A new Harper Polling survey in New Hampshire finds Donald Trump maintains a strong lead with 31%, followed by Jeb Bush at 14%, John Kasich at 12%, Marco Rubio at 10%, Ted Cruz at 9% and Chris Christie at 6%.
Interesting: “The results from night two of our survey were largely unchanged from pre-Iowa Caucus results on Monday night.”
Rick Klein: “There may be no more fertile ground for dumping Trump than in the Granite State, where famously independent-minded primary voters like to zag after Iowa’s zig and reward those who have sweated out the New England winter. Yet, as often occurred in Iowa, sniping lower down the ballot – particularly among the two leading senators and three governors still in the race – could frustrate efforts to have New Hampshire send an anti-Trump message.”
“Republicans look to the New Hampshire primary to winnow the field. But it’s the de facto winnowing that may or may not take place before Tuesday that could deliver the strongest message so far as it impacts Trump.”
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“Hillary Clinton is dispatching at least 150 people from her campaign headquarters in Brooklyn Heights to New Hampshire for an all-hands-on-deck effort here in advance of the Democratic primary on Tuesday,” BuzzFeed reports.
Politico: “The feeling at Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters these days isn’t about pulling off an upset — it’s about closing the gap, and halting Sanders’ momentum by denying him an easy win in a state that should be a cakewalk. In some respects New Hampshire is the only state where Team Clinton can flip the inevitability script — with Sanders positioned as the favorite with lots to lose.”
A new Franklin Pierce University-Boston Herald poll finds Donald Trump with a massive 25-point lead over Ted Cruz, 38% to 13%. They are followed by Marco Rubio at 10%, Jeb Bush at 10%, John Kasich at 8%, Chris Christie at 5%, Rand Paul at 5% and Carly Fiorina at 5%.
On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders has grown his lead over Hillary Clinton to 20 points, 57% to 37%.
A new Suffolk University poll in New Hampshire finds Donald Trump holds a comfortable lead over his opponents with 27% support, followed by Ted Cruz at 12%, John Kasich at 12%, Jeb Bush at 11%, Marco Rubio at 10%, Chris Christie at 6% and Ben Carson at 5%.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll in Iowa finds Donald Trump with a double-digit lead over Ted Cruz, 31% to 12%, followed by Marco Rubio at 11%, John Kasich at 11%, Jeb Bush at 8% and Chris Christie at 7%.
In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders has expanded his lead to 19 points over Hillary Clinton, 57% to 38%.
Gov. John Kasich was endorsed in the New Hampshire primary by the Boston Globe and the Concord Monitor, according to Politico.
Kasich has already been endorsed by the Nashua Telegraph, Foster’s Daily Democrat and the Portsmouth Herald.
A new Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce poll in New Hampshire finds Donald Trump leading the GOP field with 33%, followed by Ted Cruz at 14% and John Kasich at 12%, Jeb Bush at 9%, Marco Rubio at 8% and Chris Christie at 7%.
In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton 55% to 39%.
A new Fox News poll in New Hampshire finds Donald Trump is way ahead of the GOP field with 31%, followed by Ted Cruz at 14%, and Marco Rubio at 13%.
A new CBS News/YouGov poll finds Trump leading with 34%, followed by Cruz at 16%, Rubio at 14% and Kasich at 10%.
A new Suffolk University poll in New Hampshire finds Sen. Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton by 9 points, 50% to 41%.
Also interesting: “Sanders fares better when it comes to the issue of trust. Asked which of the three major Democratic candidates is the most trustworthy, respondents chose Sanders by a 15-point margin: 51% to Clinton’s 36%. And while 26% of likely Democratic voters said they were bothered by Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state, 71% said that it is not of concern.”
A new CNN/WMUR poll in New Hampshire finds Donald Trump way ahead of the GOP presidential field with 34%, followed by Ted Cruz at 14%, Jeb Bush at 10%, Marco Rubio at 10%, Chris Christie at 6%, John Kasich at 6% and Rand Paul at 6%.
A new Gravis Marketing survey finds Trump leading at 35%, followed by Kasich at 15%, Cruz at 10%, Rubio at 9%, Christie at 8% and Bush at 7%.
A new CNN/WMUR poll in New Hampshire finds Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton by a stunning 27 points, 60% to 33%.
“Sanders’ huge lead in his neighboring state is fueled by his remarkable popularity and broad appeal. He is viewed favorably by 91% of likely Democratic primary voters and unfavorably by 7%. His support is strong among both men and women, among all age groups and in all geographic areas of the state.”
A new American Research Group poll in New Hampshire finds Donald Trump continues to lead the GOP field with 27%, followed by John Kasich who surged to 20%, Marco Rubio at 10%, Ted Cruz at 9%, Chris Christie at 9% and Jeb Bush at 8%,.
In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton 48% to 45%.
Gov. Chris Christie told Morning Joe that he’s come along way since he was running 9th in the polls.
Said Christie: “If I came in second place in New Hampshire, I think that would be a real good result for us.”
A new Monmouth University poll in New Hampshire shows Bernie Sanders has opened up a 14 point lead over Hillary Clinton, 53% to 39%.
“Republicans are trying to inject religion into New Hampshire, making a new push to mobilize churchgoing voters in one of the least religious states in the country,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
“If it works, the move could provide a boost in the state’s Feb. 9 GOP primary to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has been courting pastors and evangelical Christians in Iowa and Southern states, while creating a disadvantage for front-runner Donald Trump, who doesn’t do as well among these groups.”
Taegan Goddard is the founder of Political Wire, one of the earliest and most influential political web sites. He also runs Political Job Hunt, Electoral Vote Map and the Political Dictionary.
Goddard spent more than a decade as managing director and chief operating officer of a prominent investment firm in New York City. Previously, he was a policy adviser to a U.S. Senator and Governor.
Goddard is also co-author of You Won - Now What? (Scribner, 1998), a political management book hailed by prominent journalists and politicians from both parties. In addition, Goddard's essays on politics and public policy have appeared in dozens of newspapers across the country.
Goddard earned degrees from Vassar College and Harvard University. He lives in New York with his wife and three sons.
Goddard is the owner of Goddard Media LLC.
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